Per AFI 44-121, ADAPT:
3.3The primary objectives of the ADAPT Program are to: promote readiness, health, and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance misuse and abuse; to minimize the negative consequences of substance misuse and abuse to the individual, family, and organization; to provide comprehensive education and treatment to individuals who experience problems attributed to substance misuse or abuse; to restore function and return identified substance abusers to unrestricted duty status or to assist them in their transition to civilian life, as appropriate.
The ADAPT Program Element currently only serves members on Active Duty Orders to include members of Guard and Reserve Units. Members must be enrolled into this Military Treatment Facility (MTF), to be eligible for services.
ADAPT Services Include:
- Assessment and treatment for an alcohol or other substance abuse disorder
- Assessment process includes a computer based screening with standardized measures and comprehensive clinical interview
- Individualized Patient education and Intervention
- Recommendation for appropriate ASAM-II level of care placement
- Referral services for Detoxification
- Referral Service for Tricare or DoD approved Intensive Outpatient or Inpatient Care
- Psychiatric Consultation and medication management
- Coordination of care with Unit Commander and First Sergeant and Primary Medical Provide
***All evaluation and treatment services are provided by a licensed mental health professionals and/or certified substance abuse counselor***
Consultation Services:
- ADAPT program staff members are available to Commanders, First Sergeants, Supervisors and others to provide guidance on how to handle an individual dealing with alcohol or other substance abuse concerns
- ADAPT program staff provide outreach and education to specific Units or to the base wide population
- Consultation with Primary Care Mangers for the treatment needs of active duty dependents
- Referral assistance to additional helping agencies as appropriate