Dover AFB honor guard preps for Inauguration Day

  • Published
  • By Roland Balik
  • 436th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Seventeen former Dover Base Honor Guard members participated in two days of tryouts, September 5 and 6, 2024, for ceremonial guardsman positions requested for the upcoming presidential inauguration ceremony scheduled in January 2025.

The Dover BHG started the process of providing a total of 15 to 20 members for the inauguration ceremony.

Before the tryouts, 11 members were already hand-picked to fill the upcoming tasking.

“Initially, we were reached out by Premier U.S. Air Force Honor Guard from their training operations flight simply requesting that the [Dover] BHG help supplement the ceremonial detail for the inauguration, which consists of about 81 Air Force Guardsmen,” said Tech. Sgt. Joshua Curry, Dover Base Honor Guard program manager.

Those trying out for Ceremonial Guardsman positions had to be five feet six inches or taller, possess a minimum of a secret security clearance, have no active profile with limitations, and have received a decorated tour with a U.S. Air Force or Base Honor Guard tour.

“We came up with the idea of tasking prior Guardsmen with the training to make sure we have folks to represent Dover and joint armed services,” said Curry. “We sent out a base-wide email trying to find prior [Dover AFB] Guardsmen that met the requirements. We received about 50 responses from Airmen who inquired on how to be part of the detail.”

Those trying out for a chance to represent Dover AFB at the inauguration were trained and evaluated by current and former BHG members.

“I am very honored to have been chosen as the lead instructor for the tryouts,” said Senior Airman Sckylar Huffman, Dover BHG member. “My motivation during the [upcoming] training days is to ensure that the best of Dover’s previous honor guard members are being sent to represent Dover and the Air Force for the inauguration.”

Leading up to the inauguration, practicing drill movements and staying physically fit is at the forefront for those selected.

“Additionally, it is important that everyone in the detail maintains their fitness standards and stays sharp with their movements to build up their confidence so that we look the best we can for the inauguration,” said Huffman.

Eleven of the 17 were selected to represent Dover AFB at the presidential inauguration ceremony. Each had similar reasons and motivations, both before and after being notified of their selection.

“I would say the hardest part is the uncertainty of being selected for the position,” said Senior Airman Hieu Vu, 436th Maintenance Squadron Nondestructive Inspection journeyman. “All of us were out there doing hours of drill, knowing there was a chance that you wouldn’t be chosen.”

“I felt extremely relieved,” Vu stated. “I put a lot of extra time and practice in preparation for selection and I felt a huge relief once I knew that work had paid off.”

For one noncommissioned officer, her selection made her absolutely ecstatic.

“It has been eight years since my initial time as a Ceremonial Guardsman at my first duty station,” said Staff Sgt. Audra Chambers, 436th Health Care Operations Squadron Family Health Care NCO in charge. “I’m proud and truly delighted to be selected to be a part of the inauguration team.”

Additionally, preparation for the inauguration comes in many forms for those selected.

“To prepare, I’ve increased my training days in the gym and cleaned up my eating habits,” Chambers expressed. “I want to put my best foot forward for this.”

Making the BHG look sharp in their attire is the responsibility of a local tailor with 45 years of experience who has been providing tailoring service to the BHG for 18 years.

“This uniform has to be very sharp,” said Harry Santiago, professional tailor. “I’m very proud to do this job for the base.”

Dover is projected to send 22 BHG members in support of the inauguration ceremony in 2025.