436th LRS host Readiness Rodeo

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Amanda Jett
  • 436th Airlift Wing

DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. — The 436th Logistics Readiness Squadron from Dover AFB, saddled up for an engaging training session intended to prepare Airmen for the future fight and meet Mission-Ready Airman qualifications during an MRA Rodeo competition, Nov. 4-7, 2024.

“Basically, the first three days of the event was all practice and training,” said U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Benjamin Hoffner, 436th LRS material management flight commander. “It was on the final day that we had held the MRA Rodeo, which combined all the training into a competitive, engaging and safe competition.”


The Rodeo was designed to test participants' knowledge, speed and proficiency in several key areas critical to operational success. Events include a Mission-Oriented Protective Posture gear relay race, Tactical Combat Casualty Care, buddy drag evaluation and a proficiency-based forklift competition simulating the complex task of loading cargo onto aircraft.

“Everyone’s heard the phrase ‘jack of all trades, master of none,’” said Tech. Sgt. Brian Craddock, 436th LRS grounds transportation training validations and operations NCOIC. “But the whole phrase is ‘jack of all trades master of none, though often better than master of one’, and there are certain things that we, as big ‘A’ Airmen, can do to be the jack of all trades and still make sure we are well prepared and ready for anything on the horizon.”   

The challenges faced during the Rodeo were meant to ensure that Airmen could perform tasks quickly and proficiently in the technical skills required for Agile Combat Employment, or ACE. By putting Airmen through the competition, it allowed them to build confidence and promote effective communication–even under pressure.

“Preparedness is great, but it's really how you prepare that matters,” said Craddock. “At the end of this training, we want Airmen to not only feel prepared but feel confident and be able to communicate effectively, because if not, how can you truly say you are ready?”

In the last year, the LRS went from having zero MRA-qualified personnel to 60 and added a dozen more at the end of this Rodeo.   

“It was a team effort to create and execute this Rodeo in such an efficient manner,” said Hoffner. “Myself along with Master Sgt. Deanna Parson, Master Sgt. Laura Henkenmeier, Tech. Sgt. Christopher Reynolds, Tech. Sgt. Benjamin Jackson and Craddock, worked hard to make this training both effective and enjoyable. After watching those four teams compete, I feel that our Airmen have the skills and ability to take on any task that comes their way in the future.”