
Shelter in Place ordered for Dover AFB

  • Published
  • 436th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation in the local area, Col. Matthew Jones, 436th Airlift Wing commander, has issued a Shelter in Place order for Dover AFB, effective March 24, at 8 a.m. through May 15.

This follows Delaware Gov. John Carney’s Shelter in Place order issued March 22, for the state.

All Dover AFB personnel must shelter in their place of residence unless obtaining food, caring for an immediate relative, participating in outdoor activities such as walking or running, or to seek necessary health care. Additionally, all personnel must practice social distancing of at least six feet or more.

“While I know these measures provide a great deal of inconvenience, they are the safest course of action to ensure COVID-19 spread is limited and Team Dover remains safe,” said Jones. “I mirror what Governor Carney said. The quicker we all abide by these provisions, the quicker we can get past this issue.”

Dover AFB recently implemented reporting procedures for mission-essential only personnel. Personnel are encouraged to continue practicing strict hygiene measures as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and staying home when sick. All on-base gatherings, defined as more than 10 people, are cancelled until May 15, unless deemed mission essential.

For base-specific information about COVID-19, visit For state-specific information about COVID-19, visit

For additional questions, call 302-677-3372 or visit the Dover AFB Facebook page at, or email