Dover Air Force Base, Del. -- The 436th Medical Group conducted a major accident response exercise (MARE) at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, on April 10, 2024.
The exercise centered around the medical responders reacting to medical contingencies common during public events, like the upcoming First State Air Show.
The Medical Group Airmen were tested by quickly responding to several waves of casualties dealing with various symptoms. The last air show on Dover AFB was in 2022, and over 75,000 visitors attended over two days.
“Essentially, we were looking to overwhelm the medical responders during the exercise,” said Lt. Col. Michael Connelly, 436th Inspector General’s Office chief of wing exercises. “We wanted them to exercise their ability to call in additional resources and use external agencies to help.”
As the medical responders triaged and treated the first casualties suffering from symptoms such as heat stroke, additional, larger groups of casualties with more severe symptoms or injuries would arrive, testing the team’s communication and ability to perform under pressure.
During the exercise, the Airmen practiced stabilizing, treating, and releasing as many casualties as possible. They also partnered with the Kent County Emergency Response Service and simulated transporting all casualties requiring severe medical attention to facilities off base.
“We had seizures, heat stroke, and sprained knees. At one point, there was a possible CBRN incident,” said Capt. Benjamin Meis, 436th MDG clinic medical director. “I feel confident in how we performed today. We had way fewer staff and resources during the exercise than we will during the actual air show, so I feel we’re ready for anything.”
Dover Air Force Base will host the “First State Airshow” May 18-19, 2024. The event is free and open to the public.