No One Cares About the Pro Bowl Anyway! Published Dec. 21, 2020 By Senior Master Sgt. Patrick Hunt, 436th Security Forces Squadron superintendent 436th Security Forces Squadron DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. -- Look at your team dynamics. Do you think your team is prepared to win the Super Bowl? I am not exactly referring to the NFL but to the Air Force mission in our case. We all want superstars on our team. We want them in our squadrons and on our flights. But what about the role players? Not everyone can be an all-star, much like not everyone who plays in the Super Bowl walks away with a ring. Many times, we as leaders focus too much on our team members’ weaknesses instead of their strengths. We should be focused on how we can leverage their strengths to increase mission effectiveness and efficiency. It would be great to have a team full of number one draft picks (flawless players), but that’s not reality. Our teams are diverse in experience, talent, passion, capability and maturity. We can’t draft only all-stars but we can merge our superstars and our roll players to complement each other’s strengthens and weaknesses and ensure we are prepared to make the mission a success. Remember, role players help win rings. Do not become frustrated with the 199th draft pick; given the right tools and teammates, you might just uncover the greatest of all-time. The ultimate goal is to win the Super Bowl because, let’s face it, no one really cares about the Pro Bowl anyway!