The Command Post supports peacetime and combat Global Reach for America by preparing, launching and recovering all aircraft that travel through Dover Air Force Base, day and night. Command Post professionals provide command and control to orchestrate the wing mission, operating state-of-the-art voice data communication systems to receive, process and disseminate information, exercising command authority across functional lines to efficiently manage Air Mobility Command and Air Force-wide resources. Both in times of peace and increased tension, the Dover Command Post is the hub of information circulated throughout the base. Networked through a host of other base command and control agencies, the Command Post works with law enforcement, fire department, base operations, the hospital and other departments to make an accurate assessment of base functions to report directly to the wing commander.
The Command Post team consists of dedicated command and control specialists, aerial port information controllers and maintenance coordinators. Our command and control specialists are the direct link to the Tanker Airlift Control Center -- AMC's command and control center -- and responsible for coordinating all mission events. Maintenance coordinators assist production supervisors in orchestrating all flightline activities, making sure all outbound aircraft are suitable for flight. Aerial port information controllers track aircraft load and passenger information, coordinate cargo load and passenger processing, and make sure all pre-flight servicing is completed.