MEDIA ADVISORY- Dover AFB to conduct active shooter exercise Published Oct. 9, 2019 436th Airlift Wing Public Affairs DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. -- Dover Air Force Base will conduct an active shooter exercise Oct. 11, 2019 on the base housing side of the installation. From approximately noon until 3 p.m., community members should expect to hear gun shots and sirens as the exercise tests the 436th Security Forces Squadron’s ability to respond to this type of scenario. This exercise will not only test security forces response procedures, but also the response of certain facilities. Staff Sgt. Jesse Johnson, 436th SFS wing inspection team member, said the exercise will satisfy annual requirements and instill a “run, fight, hide” mentality in preparation for real-world situations. Only blank ammunition will be used, as well as blue, rubber weapons. No explosions are expected as part of the scenario. For more information on Dover AFB, contact the 436th Public Affairs office at 302-677-3372 or 302-363-9006 or