
  • New electric vehicle chargers are launched at Dover AFB

    U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Aiden Sandhu, right, Requirements & Optimization officer in charge, demonstrates the new electric vehicle chargers to Dr. Ravi Chaudhary, U.S. Air Force Energy, Installations and Environment assistant secretary at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, July 22, 2024. Dover AFB is

  • SSgt Julio Alonso ALS cadre named best in AMC

    The Dover AFB Staff Sgt. Julio Alonso Airman Leadership School cadre was recently named the best in Air Mobility Command for 2023.Being one of the smaller ALSs in the Air Force, the schoolhouse competed against 10 other ALSs within AMC.Master Sgt. Joshua Hoffman, 436th Force Support Squadron ALS

  • TALN gears up with new airsoft rifles

    U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jason Bell, 436th Security Forces Squadron Tactics and Leadership Nexus assistant course chief, briefs a group of Airmen on a rifle exercise at the TALN training site at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, July 11, 2024. The new airsoft rifles used during the exercises improved

  • Raimondi takes command of the 436th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron

    U.S. Air Force Col. Jamison Elder, 436th Medical Group commander, provides opening remarks during the 436th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron change of command ceremony at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, July 2, 2024. The ceremony saw Lt. Col. John Batka relinquish command to Lt. Col.

  • Observance 365

    Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month is recognized in April by both civilian and military communities. But our observation won't stop there. Here at Dover Air Force Base, one of our priorities is the safety of our Airmen and their families. We are heavily focused on the care and readiness

  • The foundation for Pride Month is found at the Stonewall

    Why is Pride important? To answer that question, we need to look back at the history of Pride. Pride celebrations worldwide take many forms, from protests and proms to parties and parades. Thousands of Pride events have taken place in cities around the globe since the start of the modern LGBTQ+