
  • Team Dover plays at the 2024 Bluesuiters Golf Tournament

    U.S. Air Force Col. Rusty Gohn, 436th Airlift Wing deputy commander, tees off at Jonathan’s Landing Golf Course in Magnolia, Delaware, May 9, 2024. Bluesuiters is a biannual golf tournament connecting Team Dover Airmen with local civic and business leaders from the community. (U.S. Air Force photo

  • Team Dover leadership participates in 91st Annual Dover Days

    From the left, U.S. Air Force Col. Chris McDonald, 436th Airlift Wing commander, his wife, Diana McDonald, Martha Carper and U.S. Sen. Tom Carper pose for a photo in front of Woodburn, the governor’s residence, in Dover, Delaware, May 4, 2024. The McDonald’s and Carper’s participated in the 91st

  • Team Dover recognizes Motorcycle Safety Day with mentorship ride and more

    A motorcycle sits on display during a motorcycle safety briefing at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, April 18, 2024. The brief was one of several events hosted by the 436th Airlift Wing Safety Office in recognition of Motorcycle Safety Day. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Liberty Matthews)

  • Charged up: Team Dover’s Ev chargers are on the way

    Team Dover contractors drill into asphalt during the installation of an electric vehicle charging station at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, March 25, 2024. Team Dover’s switch to EV’s began in November 2022 and is currently in phase three of the five-phase process; it is anticipated to be completed

  • Laporte wins Medical Service Corps CGO of the Year

    Recently, Team Dover member Capt. Christina Laporte, 436th Medical Group medical logistics flight commander, won the 2023 Company Grade Officer Air Force Health Care Administrator of the Year award.

  • Operations Group Honorary Commanders visit

    U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Derreck Day, Operations Support Squadron survival, evasion, resistance, and escape flight chief of SERE operations, briefs Team Dover honorary commanders on SERE during the Operations Group honorary commanders tour at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, Feb 22, 2024. During

  • 436th AW recognizes 2023 Annual Award winners

    The 436th Airlift Wing recognized the ‘best-of-the-best’ during its 2023 Annual Awards Ceremony in Hartly, Delaware, Feb. 23, 2024.More than 275 commanders, first sergeants, supervisors, family members and friends came out to support the 47 nominees and five teams competing in their respective

  • Team Dover saving lives, one donation at a time

    U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Justin Snell, 436th Communication Squadron knowledge management, donates blood during the Armed Services Blood Program blood drive at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, Feb. 12, 2024. Team Dover collectively donated 31 units of blood during the drive which has the potential