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  • The universal skillset of leadership

    A year ago, our Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., tasked the air staff with four key areas to focus their efforts. These were released to the Air Force a couple months later as “General Brown’s Action Orders.” Under Action Order A: Airmen, Brown stated the Air Force needs to, “find and

  • Proud to be an American

    I joined the Air Force for the uniform but stayed for the mission. Yes, I’ll admit that I answered my nation’s call not because I fancied myself a warrior but because I thought it’d be cool. One Zeydie (Yiddish for grandfather) taught physics in the Air Force in World War II, the other served in the

  • Expertise and the importance of humility

    “It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” — EpictetusOver my time in the Air Force, I have constantly pursued expertise in various domains (athletics, aviation, leadership, academic endeavors, etc.). There were times when I was behind my peers in gaining mastery of a

  • Effort

    Continuous effort drives motivation, accomplishment and excellence. Looking back on my Air Force career, the effort that I put into my work has in return widened my knowledge base, created opportunities, expanded my network and has allowed me to have a positive impact on those around me. Effort is a

  • Staying connected and developing a culture of caring

    Many of us are or have struggled with personal issues, mental health problems, COVID stress, financial strain, work strain, family strain, or have dealt with losing a friend, fellow Airman or family member to suicide. We may feel like we have lost those connections that make us feel whole. We all

  • Airmen are people too

    The best superhero movies are the ones where we see how they're people too, just like us. Well, Airmen - the brave women and men who protect our nation - are our nation's superheroes. And they’re people, too.But how can we make people feel like people in a mission-oriented environment? This is the

  • Team Dover’s Multi-Capable Airmen

    “We must focus on the Joint Warfighting Concept, enabled by Joint All-Domain Command and Control and rapidly move forward with digital, low cost, high tech, warfighting capacities. Most importantly, we must empower our incredible Airmen to solve any problem. We must place value in multi-capable and

  • Mentorship – Taking care of Airmen

    If you take a moment and think about those people that you admire and consider successful, have you ever asked why are they are so successful? If you had, you might have heard things like, “they worked hard and went above and beyond any expectations,” or “they had innovative ideas allowing for more

  • Be your best

    What does being your best mean to you? Can you work on improving yourself? Is there a version of you which you have yet to discover?Always try to think big! Assess your patterns of thinking. Think about the ways great leaders think. The thoughts in your mind go far in defining what you do and how

  • The key to revitalizing the squadron: The supervisor

    The 21st Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. David L. Goldfein, announced in 2018 the need to focus on the squadron. He said, “The squadron is the beating heart of the United States Air Force; our most essential team.” Goldfein, like many others, had witnessed the gradual decline of the squadron during