Commentary Search


  • Who do you want to be?

    In any organization, people can feel pressured to conform to a certain mold in order to be accepted by the group. In the Air Force, this is a reality for many, regardless of whether or not their perceptions are founded. Personally, I have always ascribed to just doing my own thing and doing it

  • Relationships matter

    Establishing real and lasting relationships is the key to mission success.The relationships you create here at Dover are crucial, and the bonds you build, both on- and off-base, move the rapid global mobility mission forward – every single day.

  • "West-Dover"

    The next time you look up and see a C-5 flying overhead, know that there are great Airmen – not only at Dover but at “West-Dover” – helping to get it up there.

  • A balancing act

    As we approach the end of our assignment at Dover Air Force Base, our family is overwhelmed with gratitude for the Dover community. When we were assigned to this base, we knew Carlos’ role as a squadron commander was going to be very demanding, and we anticipated the difficulties of juggling his

  • How heavy is your backpack?

    During my time at Dover Air Force Base, I’ve seen several squadrons conduct “Ruck Marches” in remembrance of fallen service members. These events allow Airmen to voluntarily put themselves in physically uncomfortable conditions to honor the ultimate sacrifice of others. Despite being challenged with

  • Plan ahead, and safely conquer summer!

    The summer season has officially kicked off … barbecues, beach trips, and permanent gridlock from Annapolis to Dewey Beach. As we tackle our weekends, we are warned of the imminent dangers that summer poses. We’ve read, watched and listened to lectures on how to be safe during these critical days.

  • Define your "Dover Experience"

    When Airmen get their assignments to Dover, many may have to Google “Dover” just to find out where it is on the map. In addition to learning where Dover is located, many also learn about the “Dover Experience.” When I first heard the term, I did not really understand it; but now that I have lived

  • Will you deliver your “message to Garcia”?

    As you know, we have three basic core values, all of which are equally important. I’d like to take a moment to discuss a short essay regarding those values, especially as it pertains to commitment and, more importantly, selfless service.

  • Dover legend remembered

    You do not have to look far to find African Americans who are engrained in Dover Air Force Base’s history. Many of us drive by the mortuary daily but don’t know the story of Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations. The facility was originally named in honor of Charles C. Carson, not only because of

  • Pentagon trip excites 436th LRS members

    When I think about the Pentagon, one of the U.S.’s most iconic buildings and its distinctive shape with five equal sides that form the shape the building is known for, I am in awe of the structure and architecture. It’s also the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense. Many people might think