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  • The Dover Experience

    Our new wing commander wants us to all understand our Dover Experience, and I am excited to help craft that narrative. He also wants us to find a way to make the experience what we want it to be. I’ve been in command for a year now and I thought I’d share my thoughts on what my Dover Experience has

  • Looking back: From airman basic to squadron commander

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about how I got here. I’m a simple guy who comes from a simple family. Almost 20 years ago I left home for the first time, to join the Air Force as Airman Basic Stermer. I was joining the Air Force and I hadn’t even seen an airplane until I got on one to go

  • From me to you, thank you

    Greetings teammates. My family and I can hardly believe two years have gone by since our arrival to Dover. We have truly been blessed to be part of Team Dover, and our local community. It is with heavy hearts for us to say goodbye to each of you.

  • Getting to know your Airmen

    “Airpower…because without it—you lose,” Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark A. Welsh III stated in his retirement address. Airpower is not a cyber electron, missile, satellite, space vehicle or aircraft, it is an Airman and every Airman has a story. The Air Force family is made-up of Airmen with